7 Ways to Boost Your Website Conversions with Images

Written by Ivy Attie

June 17, 2022

Spending your hard-earned money on something you cannot see is not easy. Online shopping is at its boom. But many business owners still struggle to provide the real feel of the product. 

As marketers, we often work hard to write great product descriptions. Though it’s vital for describing the product features, textual content alone is never enough. 

This is where the significance of images becomes apparent!

Images provide a visual representation of the product. They help clearly demonstrate the specifications of the particular item, allowing the viewers to get a better feel. Besides this, they can represent a company’s culture, boost engagement, and evoke emotions. 

But we cannot just add a picture to our website. Knowing the right tactics for incorporating images is important. This article will provide all this and much more. 

Keep reading!

1.Create a Positive Brand Image with High-Quality Photos 

No matter how impressive your website design is, you always need high-resolution pictures. Compromising image quality is the biggest mistake ever. It can ruin your brand’s identity in no time. A brand not concerned with the image quality is less likely to be concerned with the product’s quality. It is what most potential consumers perceive. 

When we talk about selecting photos for your website, getting real images is the best option. However, if it seems heavy on the pocket, considering premium quality stock images is also not a bad decision. 

Stock images are readily available on many sites. But unfortunately, people do not know the right traits of high-converting stock photos and end up choosing generic pictures. 

When looking for stock photos, choose pictures that are:

  • Relevant to your brand goals 
  • Not cliche or overused
  • Portraying colors as per the audience’s choice
  • Customizable
  • Clear, logical, and easy to comprehend

A photo with all such traits can blend well with your objective, thus creating a positive business identity. And, brands that successfully establish a professional image worry less about conversions. 

2.Create an Emotional Connection

In today’s competitive market, people are not short of options. They search online and get hundreds of relevant answers for their queries. But a brand that successfully triggers an emotion gets the most conversions. 

That is why modern-day companies work hard to build an emotional attachment with prospects. Take the example of Pure Spa & Beauty:

Graphical user interface, website

3.Use Real People Images for a “Human Touch” 

A brand that adds a human touch is likely to get more engagement than others. 

Consider a scenario in which you search online for a formal dress. Instead of looking at a dress on a mannequin, a human face will look more appealing. That is why brands spend so much on hiring well-known celebrities and influencers. 

MAC, which is a renowned makeup brand, wonderfully displays this concept: 

Graphical user interface,text

The website has a separate page where visitors can choose a makeup look displayed by various models. Once they select their preferred look, the site provides the list of products used in creating it. You can then purchase those products.

You can see how images are used as a powerful tool here. Your audience may not have the time to read detailed product descriptions. But, when people see the beneficial results of using a product, it results in more conversions.

4.Display Business Culture for Developing Trust 

Prospects will always trust a firm that follows a positive business culture. You can use photos to display how your team collaborates. Show your events, workshops, seminars, and training programs. Besides this, you can display trainers and other industry professionals. These images will show how serious your business is about enhancing employee skills. 

Sharing images of annual dinners, picnic parties, and birthday celebrations is also a fantastic idea. Such shots will shed light on employee satisfaction, which is mandatory for maintaining quality. 

5.Display How the Brand is Working for Sustainability

Thankfully, people are getting aware of sustainability. They also love to support brands who are working for environment-friendliness. Therefore, never miss a chance to display your efforts for philanthropy, pollution control and a green environment. 

If your competitors share images of their community work, they develop a positive image. You can also create this goodwill by taking such initiatives and adding pictures to capture the audience’s interest. 

Well-known brands like Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Netflix, and many others display their contribution to different causes. Check the image below shared by Nestle:

A picture containing text, outdoor, sky

The picture reveals how the company is collecting used plastic bottles for recycling. 

6.Enhance Visual Appearance with the Right Placement

Even if you have the best quality images, it is essential to place them in a suitable position. Many web designers follow the F and Z pattern for placing images. According to experts, these are patterns in which prospects go through the content. In both cases, people go from left to right.

People usually don’t read webpage content like a book. Reading a few lines and then skipping small paragraphs in horizontal or diagonal style is common. It gives us an idea about image placement. 

Refrain from cluttering up a single space with multiple images. Instead, scatter the pictures at different points of these patterns. This strategy will help you boost your visual appearance, motivating prospects towards conversions. 

7.Give Prime Importance to Image SEO 

Besides the above tips, paying particular attention to image SEO is essential. When you are incorporating images in the content, SEO is vital. 

Image SEO can drive massive traffic, which can boost conversions. Elements like alt text, title text, image sitemap, image size, and many others are included in image SEO. 

Image Size: Heavy images can increase the site’s loading time, resulting in a higher bounce rate. You can use image compressing tools for size compression without compromising on quality. 

Alt-Text: is the text that users see if the image is taking too long to load. You can include your targetted keyword in the alt-text description.

File Name: Instead of leaving the file name set to default, change it according to the image’s subject matter. 

Image Sitemap: it is a map that helps search engines understand the purpose of each image on your site. Every image on this map will have a URL and a description. 

Final Words 

All in all, images can play a significant role in boosting conversions. If used strategically, they can take your business to the next level. All you need is to build an emotional connection with the users. 

Never miss a chance to display the business culture and community activities. Efforts like these will help you develop goodwill. And on the technical side, image SEO needs exceptional attention. 

Combine these tips and you should be able to increase your website conversion rate. Good Luck!

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