News & Articles

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Importance of Web Hosting

Importance of web hosting - Web hosting services allows companies and individuals to post a website or web page onto the Internet. It is where the files, information, and content which makes a website live. The remote computer where all these details are stored is...

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Why SEO Is Important In Business?

SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’. It is the practice of elevating or optimizing websites to make them attain a high position in search engines such as Google. SEO concentrates on rankings in non-paying search results called organic traffic. SEO is a part of...

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Understanding Web Development

Web development is creating and maintaining websites. It includes web design, web publishing, web programming, and database. Web development includes many types of web content formation. Some examples include hand coding web pages, building a website, and updating...

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Guest Post 

Tips, how-to suggestions, new marketing, and technology insights to share. It`s all going on here on the Synbus blog. We are open to guest bloggers and guest posts.

Submission to Synbus is easy, write an article and send it to together with your bio and URL. We appreciate it if you keep the article lenght at least 1000 words and up and no duplicate contents.

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